Thursday, November 30, 2006
The success of ENO Tree Planting Day 2007
in the eLearning Awards 2006 by European Schoolnet. More than
30 countries are represented in the selection.
See TOP 100 projects here. Our project is under "Finland".
Winners will be declared in December.
ENO Gallup at Allameh Jafari Technical School, Iran
Technical School, in Teheran, Iran. This was carried out by ENO teacher Mariam
Mokhtari and her students. It will be interesting to see the total number of answers.
As we have no limit when it comes to number of online answers I would encourage
you to really put your effort on this activity. For instance, at Kallavesi Senior High
School (Kuopio, Finland) they will interview total 600 students!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Global Warming Student Speakout - Top 50 Ideas
Global Warming Student Speakout - Top 50 Ideas
Google recently partnered with Global SchoolNet to invite teachers
and students to use Google Docs & Spreadsheets collaborative software
in a project to brainstorm strategies for combating global warming.
Children of all ages from more than 80 schools around the world participated,
and on November 27th there was a full-page ad in USA Today to put their
ideas in the spotlight. Without further ado, here are their top 50 ideas:
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Language pack in Farsi
See the participants on the map!
Calendar for ENO Climate Change Campaign
Friday, November 24, 2006
Buy Nothing Day is today 24th of November
Hi! This event has spread worldwide (even in Finland, good for us...):
Buy Nothing Day is an informal day of protest against consumerism observed
by social activists. It was founded by Vancouver artist Ted Dave and subsequently
promoted by the Canadian Adbusters magazine. Participants refrain from
purchasing anything for 24 hours in a concentrated display of consumer power.
The event is intended to raise awareness of what some see as the wasteful
consumption habits of First World countries.
In the United States and Canada, supporters demonstrate on the day after
American Thanksgiving. This day, often called "Black Friday," is one of the busiest
shopping days of the year (although this is not so in Canada, the date remains there
to synchronize events). In other countries the demonstrations occur a day later.
Since "Buy Nothing Day" occurs the day after American Thanksgiving, and the
meaning of Buy Nothing Day is to resist mindless consumerism, some people have
viewed Buy Nothing Day as an opportunity to expose the "hypocrisy" of the
Thanksgiving weekend. Since Thanksgiving has always had an emphasis on friends,
family and community, while the day after Thanksgiving has more recently had an
emphasis on consumerism and shopping, "Buy Nothing Day" may be seen by some
protesters as a way of reclaiming the 'original meaning' of Thanksgiving: encouraging
friends and family to socialize instead of encouraging individual income-earners to
spend their money.
Merchants provide valuable goods and services, a sale day serves both buyer
and seller, and the Thanksgiving to Christmas season presents both a temptation
to materialism and an opportunity for the proper enjoyment of material blessings
coupled with a special effort to ensure that the poorest are not excluded.
Critics of "Buy Nothing Day" point out that consumers would simply buy more
the next day instead, rendering their protest pointless. However, participants
argue that this is beside the point.
Source: Wikipedia
Thursday, November 23, 2006
ENO Climate Change workshop in SciFest Finland 2007

SciFest Joensuu 2007 is a festival of science and technology, and it will take
place on March 22-24, 2007 (from Thursday to Saturday). SciFest Joensuu
2007 features events; including popular lectures, game drives, workshops,
robotics competitions, interactive exhibitions.
The target group of the festival is pupils of 11-16 years old and high school
students. The venue is Joensuu Areena, which is the biggest wooden construction
in Finland. Areena is located beside the university campus (
We will have ENO workshop about climate change in this festival.
Teachers and students are welcome to join this festival. As there is no info
in English yet please take contact with Mr Timo Rui , email
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
ENO Climate Change Campaign In Finland

ways: first we tried to investigate how this phenomenom is going
to change our own nature here in Finland. Last Monday
"The Climate ambassador" Milla Tuormaa visited our school and
told us more about this theme (photos 1 and 2). Many Franks are
coming up too. This project really excites my students!
Join the good work!
Susanna Kareinen, Kumpula School FI 23 ,Porvoo, Finland

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Preparations around the world
Dear Mika and friends in ENO,
This is a test from Doris Wu in Taiwan. Now we are working on the Gallup
survey. Quite a lot of people have positive responses on what we are doing.
Hope to tell you more about our follow-ups.
"Last week a Climate Change Campaign group has been established
in the school. It Comprise of 9 students under the guidence of
school Chairperson Mrs.Rupinder Kaur. The team decided to spend
three hours a week to aware the rural and slum lublic in a week"
Dr.Kuldip Singh,Principal
SKSS International Public school
VPO Sarabha. Distt. Ludhiana. Pb India 141105
ENO member IN03
We are taking part to ENO Climate Change Campaign, our
colleague, the Biology teacher, Mrs. Angela Valceanu is in
charge of this campaign, we encourage her to be an ENO teacher,
because she is very active and she likes to work in team with
us and with her students. Our students already began to make
the frogs and the Music teacher began to work the song,
it's beautiful.
Good luck to everybody!
Elena Pascovici
Sc. cu cl.I-VIII Nr.3 "Mihail Sadoveanu"
Falticeni, ROMANIA
Language pack in Hebrew
Here you find the activities in Hebrew. Thanks to Carmella Baranga, ENO coordinator in Beer Sheva, Israel. Her email is


Part I Part II
Join our discussion forum
There is also a link for discussion on the left, under ACTIVITIES.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Making Franks at Kumpula School, Finland


mailrequest for photos...So here- you are, my student Joni making
Frank the Frog in Porvoo, Finland
Making Frank The Frog

Our mascot for climate change theme and campaign
is Frank The Frog. Students at Pataluoto School
have started to make them according these instructions
This Frank is under construction but will soon be ready
to eat pledges!
If you are making Frank at your school please let
us know, take photos and send them to . We will arrange a
collection of your work here.

I am Frank, sitting on Mika's desk!
Have you seen my introduction?
Inchideti. Stingeti. Reciclati. Mergeti pe jos.
we received the language pack in Romanian language. Thank you
Elena, one of our ENO teachers in Romania.
The title means: Turn down. Switch Off. Recycle. Walk.
You find this and other language packs here.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Campaign and contradictions
climate change. As our campaign is global and we have many
participants in the developing countries, this aspect is contradictory.
The problem of personal behaviour exists more in the "rich countries".
For instance, consumers in OECD countries produce a lot of co2 emissions
compared with people in the developing countries. How can we ask them
to do their part if the real problem lies elsewhere? The effects of climate
change will cause most damage near the equator.
As we collect pledges we maybe could spread the issue from consumer
issues to actions for the better environment. Of course, there is an
alternative "My own pledge" that can be used for this purpose.
I would like you to comment on this issue!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Language packs
for you. They are in two parts: Part I is an introduction & the first activity,
Part II is the pledge campaign and promotional material. They are pdf files.
Just double-click the links.
Your will find translations soon at least in Arabic,
French, Hindi, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
Chinese: Part I Part II
German: Part I Part II
Farsi: Part I Part II
Finnish Part I Part II
French Part II
Hebrew: Part I Part II
Portuguese: Part I Part II
Romanian:PartI Part II
Russian: Part I Part II
Spanish: Part I Part II
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Be creative!
different ways. For this we offer you these activities.
Be creative! You can use drama,make a play about climate change,
for instance. It is a good way to get attention. In your play you can use
Frank's song, for instance. Let us know about your preparations!
Please send email to
ENO Tree Planting Day 2006

In the ENO Programme we planted about
20 000 trees in 85 countries around the world
to celebrate 21st of September 2006. We
received a video clipse today (mpg, 8mb) from
Punahou School,Honolulu, Hawai'i. In this 24-hour
event this school was to plant the last trees
because of their time zone.
You find more information about our tree planting
day here:
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Forests and climate change/UNEP's Billion Tree Campaign
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and are vital carbon sinks. Each tree planted ‘offsets’ your environmental impact by ‘breathing’ in about 730 kg CO2 emissions over its lifetime. It is estimated that the average person needs to save about 7,000kg tonnes of CO2 per year. So planting just 10 trees each year is one strategy for achieving this. The trees also provide sustainable habitat for wildlife and will enhance the natural landscape with native broad-leaved trees. It is estimated that the world’s forests store 283 Gigatonnes of carbon in their biomass alone, and that carbon stored in forest biomass, deadwood, litter and soil together is roughly 50 per cent more than the carbon in the atmosphere.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched "Billion Tree Campaign " today. Under the Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign, people, communities, business and industry, civil society organizations and governments will be encouraged to enter tree planting pledges on this website with the objective of planting at least one billion trees worldwide during 2007. Find more information and get involved here:
Friday, November 03, 2006
CO2 levels highest ever recorded
After water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are the three most prevalent greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere respectively. Greenhouse gases are some of the major drivers behind global warming and climate change.
The latest Bulletin precedes WMO’s participation at the second meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (to reduce greenhouse gas emissions), in conjunction with the twelfth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, in Nairobi from 6 to 17 November 2006.
Concentrations of N2O also reached record highs in 2005, up 0.19 per cent from 318.6 parts per billion (ppb) to 319.2 ppb while methane remained stable at 1783 ppb.
For the full Bulletin, see:
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Climate change in your language?
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Temat om Klimatförändringarna i ENO programmet
En budkavle för skolor och ungdomsgrupper.
Under det gångna seklet har luftens medeltemperatur globalt ökat med 0.6ºC, vilket är en onormalt snabb värmestegring. Faktum är att 1900-talet var det hittills varmaste seklet och att 90-talet var det varmaste decenniet under de senaste 1000 åren.
Vi kan redan se många skrämmande symptom, allt ifrån stigande temperatur till höjning av havsytan, som ett resultat av smältvatten från polartrakterna. Vi ser en ökning av stormar och översvämningar. Om vi inte agerar kommer klimatförändringarna att förorsaka ännu mer förödelse och ekonomiska förluster samt skapa en obalans i vår naturliga miljö, som förser oss med föda, råvaror och andra livsviktiga resurser. Detta kommer att ha en negativ effekt på vår ekonomi och skapa kaos i samhällen i hela världen.
Klimatförändringarna är ett globalt problem och ännu har vi var och en makt att göra något för att förändra situationen. Även små förändringar i vårt dagliga beteende kan hjälpa att förhindra utsläpp av växthusgaser utan de behöver ha speciellt stor inverkan på vår livskvalitet. Det kan faktiskt vara fråga om en besparing.
ENO-programmet bjuder nu in skolor och andra ungdomsgrupper till temat om klimatförändringar. Temat kommer att pågå från november 2006 till januari 2007. Du kommer att finna resurser och gratis aktiviteter på ENOs webbplats. Det kommer vara online-aktiviteter såsom webbundersökning av klimatförändringar och en löftesbank där man kan lämna sina löften gentemot miljön. Temats fokus kommer att vara kampanjveckan (15-19 januari 2007) när undersökningens resultat och löftesbanken kommer att sammanfattas och publiceras. Artiklar skrivna av studenter kommer att publiceras i lokala media. En speciell dag, Grodornas Marsch, kommer också att organiseras globalt den 17 januari.
Du är välkommen att vara med i våra aktiviteter och registrera dig här:
Mr Mika Vanhanen, coordinator, ENO Programme, tfn +358 40 50 70 725, fax +358 13 26 75 543
Med vänliga hälsningar,
Bengt Båvegård | Lärare och kursutvecklare | |
Phone +46(0)70-6600280 | Fax +46-8-22 14 16
Skype paradox66 08-559 22 880
Nätfolkhögskolan MKFC Stockholms Folkhögskola | Tyrgatan 13 | SE- 114 27
Stockholm | l
The Global March Of Frogs

17th of JANUARY 2007
As Frank The Frog is a mascot for the campaign, students have made
their frogs of recycled paper. Frogs and students will have their special
march day 17th of January 2007. They will walk in small groups in their
communities (cafes, shops, public places), inform people about the climate
change and collect pledges from them. Students will sing Frank's song,
some will even dance. Frogs will stay for two weeks in different places
and collect pledges that will be later submitted to ENO pledge bank online.
This invasion of frogs will start at noon local time around the world.
First frogs will appear in Oceania. From East they will spread from Asia to
Africa and Europe. The in the western hemispehere more frogs will march
in Americas. And the last frogs will appear in Samoa islands.
Campaign Week 15-21 JAN 2007
Online Activities
NOTE: These activities are for EVERYBODY, not only for schools or children and youth! Please take part:
Activity II: ENO Gallup "Daily Activities And Climate Change"
Activity III: Make A Pledge
Offline Activities
Activity I: An Article For Local Media About Climate Change In Your Country
Activity II: Gather answers to ENO Gallup
Activity III: Gather pledges to ENO Pledge Bank
How To Make Frank The Frog?
Introduction Weeks
Even though they are scheduled from Nov 6-19 you can do them in your schedule.
Here are links to introduction weeks:
Frank's posters and scalable images

Turn Down. Switch Off. Recycle. Walk

Make Us Happy And Put Your Pledge In Me

The Global March Of Frogs Poster

Download Frank The Frog ( 0,6 mb Adobe Illustrator)