Primary School Ledina in Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia,
has joined the project Against climate changes, too. Considering
the fact that the school is situated in the very city centre, we wish
to have a cleaner environment, with less noise and pollution. On
the other hand, we are aware of the fact that the changes in the
environment are leading us towards catastrophes on a much larger scale.
Class 5a at Primary School Ledina
In class 5a we talked widely about the topic, examined the
material we had gathered at home and discussed the climate
changes on our planet.
We have come to a conclusion that everyone of us should start
by making small changes him/herself. In this way we wrote our
promises. At art classes we designed a frog named Frank, the
mascot of our campaign.
On Wednesday, January 17, we prepared a march of frogs.
We put up posters reminding people of the dangers for the
environment if the climate continues to change dramatically.
We also made leaflets on which we wrote suggestions what
each of us could contribute to the campaign. We distributed the
leaflets to people all over the school and warned the passers-by
who were given a chance to write their own promises as well.
Many pupils, parents and teachers responded and we managed
to gather over two hundred promises.
The media responded, too. Radio Slovenia reported on the
campaign on Wednesday morning and on Saturday on the
programme Sobotna raglja. The newspaper Slovenske novice
published an article about us on Friday, January 26.
What is going to be our next step? We have decided to keep
our promises . At the same time we wrote to Slovenia's highest
authorities and urged them to write their own promises and
send them to us. We have truly enjoyed the project and have
learnt a lot for future life.
Mentor: Karla Leban